The cheese boards are going on sale, the baubles are back in the cupboard for another year and you’ve just about had enough of daytime TV. That can only mean one thing: Christmas is over and it’s time to get back on the grind! Don’t worry, Imperium Solutions are here to help you out. Here’s a few suggestions that will get you back into your work routine this January.
Look after yourself
We know getting back into a routine can be a struggle, and that’s why it’s important to be kind to yourself. Try and make sure you’re getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night and are eating well (not just scoffing those leftover chocolates!). It might be a good idea to pack your bag the night before your first day back, including prepping all the food you’re going to take in. This means you can start the new year stress free and ready to get back in the swing of things.
Don’t forget about your inbox!
Block out some time to sort out your inbox - it’s likely you’ll need it! You will likely have a backlog of emails waiting to greet you once the festivities have drawn to a close, so set aside a period of your first day back to reply to anything urgent and delete any spam.
Upon returning to the office/your home desk, it can be quite therapeutic to sort through any clutter, and shred unwanted documents. Having a clear desk can help you clear your mind and you know what they say: begin as you mean to go on!
Prioritise and plan
A big part of being organised is of course planning ahead. Prioritise your caseload for the week ahead so you know what to expect each day and don’t have any major tasks looming over you.
Catch up with your colleagues
January doesn’t have to all be doom and gloom, and we’re sure you have a lot to catch up on with your colleagues upon returning from the Christmas break. Why not organise a lunch with your favourite team members or even just a quick coffee, so that you have something nice to look forward to on your first week back? Make sure to be supportive, as the first month back to work can be challenging for the best of us.
We hope you enjoyed the Christmas season as much as we did, and we look forward to working with new candidates in the coming year!
To start your new career in adult or child social care contact our team now on 0203 8929 344.