As pressure on social care staffing continues to mount on Local Authorities across the UK, the need for transformation solutions to reduce the gaps in service and ease the pressure on existing staff is more important than ever. So, what are the benefits of this approach, and has it worked before?
A wrap-around function helps to support staff in every area of the authority. When one team is under strain, this has a knock-on effect and can contribute to high levels of leavers or staff churn across the department. A project-based solution, like the one offered by the team here at Imperium Solutions, provides a designated Project Manager, quality assurance and back-office functions, as well as a compliance team that goes above and beyond, alongside the project team in its implementation. This bespoke service helps to take pressure off teams across the local authority and provide existing workers with rest bite and support.
Value for money is vital when working towards a transformation within your authority. We are proud to provide great value for money in our project-based solutions by not only ensuring that our delivery achieves the desired outcomes for your business, but also in the way we have designed our projects. The structure of our projects ensures that we implement a shared learning and improvement journey with everyone that we partner with, allowing for better morale amongst the team, higher quality output and long-term results.
Building a community is key to our values and the way we develop our candidate base. We pride ourselves on inviting candidates into a community where they feel supported, and they can regularly interact with like-minded social workers. This community feel helps to retain a quality pool of candidates that trust us to place them in fulfilling roles, and in turn, helps your authority to implement top-talent teams when needed.
The proof? It's in the case studies. We have previous and ongoing project-based solution structures that have been implemented in Local Authorities already. You can see the results of some of these managed service solutions via our case studies section on our website:
If your local authority is interested in working on a project-based solution, our Children’s and Adult’s teams are always free to have a chat about your requirements. Simply get in contact with us via: