As the Social Work England registration deadline approaches, it's time to ensure that you've met the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. This blog will guide you through the essentials of CPD and provide you with some valuable CPD ideas to enhance your social work practice.
What is CPD, and Why is it Important?
CPD, or Continuing Professional Development, is an essential aspect of every social worker's career. It involves the ongoing process of learning, reflection, and growth to ensure that you are continually improving your skills and knowledge. CPD is crucial not only for your professional development but also for maintaining your registration with Social Work England.
Meeting Social Work England's CPD requirements is a vital part of being a responsible and competent social worker. To maintain your registration, you must record a minimum of two pieces of CPD, with at least one of them including peer reflection. But remember, your CPD must be personal to you, your practice, and your role. Here are some CPD ideas to help you meet these requirements:
1. Learning from a case
One effective way to fulfil your CPD requirements is to evaluate a recent case that you found challenging. Reflect on what went positively and negatively in the case and what you learned from the experience. This process can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your practice.
2. Self-directed learning
Engaging in self-directed learning allows you to pursue topics or activities that interest you. Consider reading a journal article, listening to a relevant podcast, or watching a thought-provoking TedTalk. Self-directed learning not only expands your knowledge but also keeps you engaged and motivated in your field.
3. Feedback
Feedback is a valuable source of learning and growth. Seek feedback from individuals with lived experience in social work or from your colleagues. Use this feedback to write a reflection piece, highlighting the areas in which you can improve and the positive aspects of your practice.
In need of a new social work role?
If you're looking for new social work opportunities, we're here to help. Imperium Solutions offers a wide range of roles that can match your skills, interests, and career goals. Get in touch with us by calling 0203 8929 340 or emailing us at for more information about our current job openings.