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Post-interview musts

Interview = done shouldn’t mean out of sight = out of mind. Next time you finish an interview it’s important to take time to reflect and digest. Interviewing is a learning process after all and practice makes perfect! In this blog, we share our post-interview musts.

  1. Congratulate yourself 

And breathe! The hardest part is over so take a moment to sit back and relax. You’re probably still high on the adrenaline that has been building up, so make yourself a cup of tea and celebrate the fact that you completed your interview. 

  1. Debrief 

Once you’ve taken time to decompress, it’s time to debrief. You could do this with a friend or family member or even on your own. Think about: 

  • What went well e.g. body language, confidence and quality of answers 

  • What could be improved e.g. better eye contact, slower delivery of words, better posture 

  • Did you prepare well enough in hindsight? E.g. What kind of questions were asked? Were they what you expected? How did you navigate any unexpected questions? 

  • Did I ask everything I wanted to? 

Talk these points through and make notes so you can look back on them as prep for future interviews. Rate your performance and clearly outline the steps you need to make in order to become the undeniably best candidate for the job! 

  1. Stay positive 

Waiting to hear the outcome of an interview can be anxiety-inducing, but that’s why it’s important to stay positive on the days in between. Remind yourself that you cannot change the outcome now and that you gave it your all in the moment. If you get the role, great! If not, rejection is redirection - take it as a learning experience. 

Additional tips: 

  • Do NOT obsessively check your email following the interview.

  • Only reach out to the employer if you haven’t heard back in the allotted time frame (always worth asking when you can expect to hear back at the end of the interview).

  • Be responsive - even if you’re rejected from the role, make sure to be polite and thank the interviewer for their time. You never know what future opportunities they may have, so it’s always best to maintain face and be professional. 

For further career guidance, check out our blog page. Lacking interviews at the moment? Get in touch with our recruitment team on 0203 8929 344 for project-based social work opportunities.


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