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July is Good Care Month: here's how to get involved

Here at Imperium Solutions we’re celebrating Good Care Month! Carry on reading to find out how you can show your appreciation and support for the carers in your life.

What is Good Care Month?

Good Care Month happens every July and is a time to celebrate our brilliant carers and remind ourselves of all the incredible work they do in our society.

1. Highlight relevant support networks

Let carers in your life know where they can get support and access to useful resources. Support groups also offer carers the opportunity to meet and socialise with other carers which can be super beneficial for mental wellbeing.

For example:

2. Provide a helping hand where you can

Caregiving can be physically, emotionally, and mentally demanding. Carers often face high levels of stress, exhaustion, and burnout due to the responsibilities and challenges they encounter. Offering assistance can help lighten their burden, allowing them to take breaks, rest, and engage in self-care activities. By sharing the caregiving load, you provide much-needed relief which can make a world of difference to a busy carer.

3. Be a listening ear

Carers often experience emotional and mental strain. Simply being there to listen and offer emotional support can be incredibly valuable. Allow the carer to express their feelings, concerns, and frustrations without judgment. Sometimes, all they need is someone who understands and empathises with their situation.

Remember, always be kind because you never know what someone might be going through!


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