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5 questions you could be asked in your next social care interview

Secured an interview for a role in social care? Congratulations! To help you prepare, our specialist consultants have shared some interview questions likely to crop up during a social care interview.

1.Why this role?

Let’s be honest, this question is bound to come up in some shape or form so it’s important to have a sharp answer at the ready. First, discuss what it is about working in the adult/children’s sector that inspires you and how you (compared to other candidates) would help make a positive impact. Perhaps you have years of experience under your belt, or know first-hand what it’s like to be a child in care - whatever the reason, make sure your enthusiasm for the role really shines through! We also recommend outlining why this organisation stood out amongst the others - what’s its USP? Why does this inspire you/match up to your aspirations as a social worker?

2. What are your preferred hours of working?

When the interviewer isn’t busy testing your knowledge, they might ask a few more practical questions such as this one. Make sure you know what you want out of the role before going into the interview. There’s no point committing to something if you’re going to end up resenting those late night shifts or last minute call outs. Honesty is indeed the best policy here, so be realistic and transparent with the interviewer about the hours you’d be willing to take on.

Here at Imperium Solutions, we offer a wide variety of roles across our adult and childrens divisions, including permanent and hybrid positions.

3.Is there a time where you were unable to complete all of your tasks for the day?

In this instance, your prospective employer is trying to grasp how you organise your time, as well as your ability to work under pressure in the event where your timeframe has not gone to plan for whatever reason. With social work being so unpredictable, it is crucial candidates are able to plan to improvise! Remember, the interviewer isn’t trying to catch you out here either, they actually want you to demonstrate self-awareness and that you have the ability to learn from past mistakes. Explain the situation, including how it came about and what the outcome was (as well as what you’ve learned that you will put into practice next time).

4.How would you carry out a risk assessment based on signs of abuse or neglect?

Outline how you would approach this scenario step-by-step, including an overview of what the typical signs of abuse/neglect are to demonstrate your knowledge on the topic. If you already have experience dealing with this situation, then you may wish to reference it and explain how you helped achieve a positive outcome for the client at risk.

5.Outline how your understanding of current legislation would inform your daily work?

Staying up to date with current legislation relevant to your area of work (e.g. child protection) is paramount to being a successful social worker. Be specific and acknowledge why the legislation is important and how it would come into use in the role. So make sure you revise before the big day because it might make or break your chances of landing the job!

Still on the search for your next role in social care? Email us at and our team will help find you the perfect fit. Alternatively, complete our opportunities form and we’ll send you vacancies for roles in our adult division or children's division based on your preferences.

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